

Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation is a government agency that delivers socially responsible lottery and gaming entertainment. I've designed for their award-winning PlaySmart website, their corporate website, and their internal employee portals.

See the live site

Redesign the Corporate site to be visually cohesive with the updated brand guide which reflects their new strategy – as a purpose-driven industry leader in the gaming and entertainment sector. Drive traffic to the careers page to attract new and younger talent that can support OLG's latest approach of playfulness.

We delievered an engaging, intuitive new website that aligns with the evolution of OLG (satisfying 25+ stakeholders!) and a robust module library built in Figma for scalability and efficiency in building 50+ pages.

Role: UI design lead, art direction

Future-proof, Client-proof

We delivered ~50 pages with 8 new modules, split into 7 batches, executed through 2-week sprints over 5 months. A module library was put together in Figma for efficiency of future designs, and a CMS in the backend empowers client to build their own pages in the future.

Scalable and adaptable modules

Content were creatively applied to robust and flexible modules. To set a clear design pattern set for intuitive way-finding for the user. As for the creative team, this ensured we are using our hours to build new modules wisely.

Expanded branding

A new set of iconography is developed along with playful, dynamic use of color and the OLG confetti tied together the mix of stock and bespoke photography seamlessly.

Using Format